1. Sex with another man (usually he's a celebrity). This doesn't mean you're dissatisfied with your real sex life, just that you're excited by new experiences — and, of course, gorgeous stars.
2. Ménage à trois. If you're picturing yourself with two men, you want to be adored and doted on — heck, maybe even fought over. Thinking about yourself and your guy with another woman ignites the very sexy idea that other ladies find your guy attractive too.
3. Domination. This fantasy allows you to engage in sexual stuff that may seem taboo, without any guilt. Seeing yourself as submissive can signify a desire for a loss of control; freedom from responsibility is thrilling!
4. Sex with a woman. No, this doesn't necessarily mean you're questioning your sexuality. It shows that you appreciate the sexiness of the female form (we are gorgeous) — and that you're open-minded about pleasure.
5. Last but not least: Sex with your guy. This is the most common fantasy for women. It's usually more exciting than your average roll in the hay — say, a replay of your hot honeymoon. And it simply means that sex with your partner turns you on. What a great thing!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Oral Sex Tips
The words oral sex are so shocking to some people, we couldn't put them on the front of this magazine. But they can't keep us from delivering the nitty-gritty on this sexy treat.
No matter who is going down on whom, the goal is to make it as pleasure filled as possible. But since hardly anyone talks about it, it's tough to get the good, juicy tips you need to make it mind-blowing. Well, at Cosmo we've never been afraid of doing the dirty work for you. So here are the best tricks for giving your guy lip lovin'. Oh, and some for you to pass along to him, so he gives as good as he gets.
"Invisible oral" can boost your pleasure.
A shocking number of women have trouble mentally letting go and enjoying oral. Sound like you? Try keeping the lights off so you can't see him. You'll have fewer distractions and be able to focus.
There's a gag-proof way to go deep.
Here's a trick that gives him the illusion that you're taking him all the way in: Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Then let his member hit the underside of your tongue.
You should have him at hello.
A Cosmo poll found that 34 percent of guys say they wish a girl would surprise them with oral when they walk in the door. Tell him to text you when he's almost home, then ambush him.
Suction isn't just for hickies.
Many women have complained to our experts that they have a hard time getting off while he's down south because their guy doesn't use enough pressure. Ask him to switch up his moves and try sucking on your clitoris instead—it provides a more intense pressure.
He doesn't always want to finish.
Many guys don't actually want going down to be the main event. According to a Cosmo poll, 54 percent of men like oral action as foreplay.
His "boys" want to join the party.
Fifty-one percent of men complain that their girlfriends ignore their balls during oral. Try this trick: While your hand strokes his shaft, take one testicle at a time into your mouth and lightly suck.
There's a way he's never been licked.
The meatus—the hole on the tip of his penis—is supersensitive. Stick the tip of your tongue on that spot and apply medium pressure. It's such a specific place, he probably doesn't even realize it has feel-good potential, so he'll love that you've discovered it.
Lube can taste good.
If you're going to be down there for a while, you may get a case of cotton mouth, which can cause chafing on his penis. Lube can fix that. Lots of companies are making flavored formulas that taste just slightly fruity or minty, not like candy-coated toxic waste. You can buy a sample pack online at babeland.com.
Shakira had the right idea.
Many chicks complain that their guy lacks variation in technique. If you don't want to speak up, physically move your hips, like you're squirming from all the pleasure. It'll give him the hint that he should vary his moves.
If you're into it, he's into it.
One thing that turns guys on is enthusiasm. In fact, lots of them have a hard time fully enjoying themselves because they worry that their partner hates being down there. Let him know you like it by softly moaning as you take him into your mouth.
No matter who is going down on whom, the goal is to make it as pleasure filled as possible. But since hardly anyone talks about it, it's tough to get the good, juicy tips you need to make it mind-blowing. Well, at Cosmo we've never been afraid of doing the dirty work for you. So here are the best tricks for giving your guy lip lovin'. Oh, and some for you to pass along to him, so he gives as good as he gets.
"Invisible oral" can boost your pleasure.
A shocking number of women have trouble mentally letting go and enjoying oral. Sound like you? Try keeping the lights off so you can't see him. You'll have fewer distractions and be able to focus.
There's a gag-proof way to go deep.
Here's a trick that gives him the illusion that you're taking him all the way in: Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Then let his member hit the underside of your tongue.
You should have him at hello.
A Cosmo poll found that 34 percent of guys say they wish a girl would surprise them with oral when they walk in the door. Tell him to text you when he's almost home, then ambush him.
Suction isn't just for hickies.
Many women have complained to our experts that they have a hard time getting off while he's down south because their guy doesn't use enough pressure. Ask him to switch up his moves and try sucking on your clitoris instead—it provides a more intense pressure.
Related Video
Many guys don't actually want going down to be the main event. According to a Cosmo poll, 54 percent of men like oral action as foreplay.
His "boys" want to join the party.
Fifty-one percent of men complain that their girlfriends ignore their balls during oral. Try this trick: While your hand strokes his shaft, take one testicle at a time into your mouth and lightly suck.
There's a way he's never been licked.
The meatus—the hole on the tip of his penis—is supersensitive. Stick the tip of your tongue on that spot and apply medium pressure. It's such a specific place, he probably doesn't even realize it has feel-good potential, so he'll love that you've discovered it.
Lube can taste good.
If you're going to be down there for a while, you may get a case of cotton mouth, which can cause chafing on his penis. Lube can fix that. Lots of companies are making flavored formulas that taste just slightly fruity or minty, not like candy-coated toxic waste. You can buy a sample pack online at babeland.com.
Shakira had the right idea.
Many chicks complain that their guy lacks variation in technique. If you don't want to speak up, physically move your hips, like you're squirming from all the pleasure. It'll give him the hint that he should vary his moves.
If you're into it, he's into it.
One thing that turns guys on is enthusiasm. In fact, lots of them have a hard time fully enjoying themselves because they worry that their partner hates being down there. Let him know you like it by softly moaning as you take him into your mouth.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
You didn't forget did you?!?
In just 2 days the 12 Days of Christmas Sale will begin here at Studio 21, Ltd!!! On Dec 13th you'll be able to come in and check out the Sale Item of the Day! It'll be up to 40% off! You cannot beat our deals so come take adavantage of them while you can! A new staff picked item on sale everyday for 12 days straight? Tis' The Season! See you soon!
FANTASIES: What do they mean?
Fantasies play the hugest role in our sexuality. They help both you and your partner understand more about who are sexually, as well as what turns you on most.
Are you okay with yours or your partner's fantasies? If you feel unsure or uneasy about the fantasies either you or your partner are having, then it would be best to talk about it and find out why you are having these thoughts, regardless of the fact that you feel uncomfortable with it. If you need guidance in understanding yours or your lovers sexual patterns and fantasies, our Sex Experts can help you and give you the advice that will suit you best.
What do your fantasies mean and where do they come from? Do you have fantasies that you feel unsure about and wondered how they became a part of your sexuality? Or do you question why your partner has certain fantasies and feel that getting some answers will make you feel more at ease? For sex advice from our experts.
Fantasies develop in many different forms and no person is identical when it comes to sexual identity. Fantasies are created based on experiences that a person has and what their brain selects to save as a permanent memory. This memory is then used as a tool to reach sexual arousal and pleasure points of the person's desire. This is known as sexual imprinting and takes place during a person's adolescence stage and stays with them throughout their adult life.
Methods for finding your favorite fantasies. People use many methods to help them get in touch with their favorite and most effective fantasies. The most common methods would be:
- Creating scenes in their minds
- Looking at sexy magazines
- Watching x-rated videos
- Trying new things with their partner
- Setting up a romantic scene at home (candles, wine, music, etc.)
- Lingerie
Are you okay with yours or your partner's fantasies? If you feel unsure or uneasy about the fantasies either you or your partner are having, then it would be best to talk about it and find out why you are having these thoughts, regardless of the fact that you feel uncomfortable with it. If you need guidance in understanding yours or your lovers sexual patterns and fantasies, our Sex Experts can help you and give you the advice that will suit you best.
Afternoon Delight: How to Spice Up Your Relationship
I’d told my husband that I’d booked us a private session with a Pilates instructor. As we approached the nondescript beige building, Rob started asking questions: “Are you sure this is the address?” We were on a working vacation in Buenos Aires, and my bungling of Spanish had become a joke between us. “It’s where she keeps her equipment,” I said. Then Rob noticed a sign: albergue transitorio, or “temporary lodging.” “Zoe,” he said worriedly, “I think this place is for prostitutes.”
I’d been assured that all sorts of people frequent telos (“love hotels” is the closest English translation)—young couples who live with their parents, married people having affairs, and couples with children who want peace and privacy, like my husband and me. According to an organization that represents telos, there are 180 of them in Buenos Aires alone, ranging from the modest El Paraiso I’d chosen, where a basic room—bed and small bath—costs about 40 pesos ($10) for three hours, to the deluxe General Paz, where rooms can fetch $115. General Paz features private elevators that lead directly from an underground parking lot into an elegantly appointed suite—perfect for trysts between, say, South Carolina governors and their Argentine soul mates.
There are telos with themed rooms for fetishists—featuring blackboards and miniature desks or faux-jeweled Oriental boudoirs. At Caravelle, in the trendy Palermo Soho neighborhood, you can get in touch with your superpowers in the bat cave. Other telos cater to gay couples, provide extra beds for orgies, or come with special chairs that look like a cross between something you’d find at the dentist’s and the gynecologist’s offices. Our 55-peso room was pretty vanilla, with a large Jacuzzi (hidro) on the first level and a bed and wall-mounted TV up a small flight of stairs. The windows were darkened, blocking out the bright sun of a South American afternoon.
When we got inside, I sniffed the air and scanned the tiled floor. Everything looked and smelled reasonably clean, but I couldn’t shake the memory of the guy preening to his friend on the phone. Rob sat on the bed and gingerly bounced up and down. The prospect of afternoon sex in a cheap hotel room seemed to make him alternately nervous and excited. He reached to take my hand. “Want a massage?”
I pulled away and crossed my arms. “Did you catch that guy calling the girl a ‘puta’?” “Not puta,” Rob replied. “Punto. ‘Al Punto del amor.’ I think he was telling his friend that he had to go because he was ‘on the point of love.’”
“On the point of love,” I repeated. I liked the sound of that. I sat down next to Rob and nodded toward the TV. “So do you think they have a porn channel?”
With our responsibilities locked outside the red metal door and three hours alone, we made love that afternoon with a level of abandon and enthusiasm that I hadn’t felt since our early dating days. Oh yeah, I thought with a smack-in-the-forehead revelation, I’m hot for this man.
Over the next few weeks, Rob and I returned to telos twice more. We’d made sex dates in the past—scheduling around work deadlines or favorite TV shows (pathetic, I know)—but it was hard not to view them as another item for my to-do list. In Buenos Aires, I looked forward to our “Pilates,” wondering which room we’d get and what would happen. I was fantasizing—fantasizing—about having sex with my husband.
The anonymity and knowledge that everyone was there for the same purpose freed us from both our workaday selves and our usual inhibitions. Whether it was a willingness to try new positions or role-play, what happened in the telo stayed in the telo: It didn’t become a new staple on the married-sex diet. We could be whomever we wanted. On our second excursion, I was Adriana and Rob, Pablo. We’d met online and made a date for sex. When I found him sitting on the bench out front, I told him that he looked even cuter in person. When we got to the room, he wondered aloud if the gorgeous Paraguayan chambermaid in the hall (very much flesh and blood) might be persuaded to join us. “Hmmm,” I cooed. “Maybe you should ask.”
Rob started for the door. “Wait!” I said. “Aren’t we just pretending?” I wasn’t able to leave my regular self that far behind, after all, but she (and her evening turndown service) provided much fodder for that afternoon.
Back in Brooklyn, reminiscing about those languorous afternoons, Rob and I have concocted a new fantasy: Turning the rentals in our brownstone into a mini telo. We start working through what we’d charge, how many turns we could expect per day, and we get excited. The extra cash! The good deed for parents! But who are we kidding? Between tea parties on one end and Tiger Woods on the other, there’s no room in American culture for a clean, discreet place devoted exclusively to having sex. What in Buenos Aires had seemed so sane and normal looked slightly tawdry here. What would our neighbors think? We imagine the campaign: NSIMBY- No Sex in My Backyard.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Sale of the Season at Studio 21, Ltd!!!
Be sure to catch the 12 Days of Christmas Sale at Studio 21, Ltd! Starting Dec 13th our amazing staff will pick a specific item each day to mark a whopping 40% off! So be sure to come in and take advantage of this Special Savings Event going on until the big day! Pick up some K2 and Sensis Condoms while you're here to keep it steamy on those cold winter nights!!! See you soon!
10 Great Things to Do With Your Breasts
Sure, you let your breasts roam free when you unhook your bra at night, but you're missing out if that's the only time. "Enjoying your breasts helps you feel confident about your body because you're embracing who you are," says Debby Herbenick, PhD, author of Because It Feels Good. "It also boosts your comfort level during sex, helping you to orgasm more often." There's no arguing with that logic, so we crafted a master list of sexy ways to maximize your assets.
5. Master the art of using double-sided tape. The secret: Stick one-inch strips of tape a quarter inch away from the edge of your clothes. It keeps everything in place but still looks natural.
6. For a sexy sensation the next time you're getting busy in bed, get your guy to try this technique with his hand: Make a V with his index and middle fingers, and lightly scissor them around your nipples.
7. Overheated at the beach? Slip an ice cube out of your drink, and glide it over your cleavage.
8. This trick really makes your boobs look voluptuous: Stand in front of a mirror under an overhead light, and sweep bronzer over the dark areas underneath and between your breasts. Deepening the shadows that they create gives the impression of greater fullness.
9. Apply lotion, and treat the girls to a sensual massage. Using a circular motion and medium pressure, rub from the base of your boobs up along the outer edges, stopping just below your armpits. Then place your hands on your breastbone, and work your way across the center of your chest, out toward the sides of your body.
10. Have him trace a figure eight stretching around both nipples while giving you a deep, steamy kiss.
1. Go braless and wear a silk or combed-cotton tee—it'll feel amazing brushing against your skin all day.
2. When you're lounging together on the couch reading or watching TV, guide his hand inside your bra and have him lightly scratch your breasts with his fingertips.
3. Clasp your hands behind your back and pull them away from your body, slowly rotating to the left and right to give the twins a nice stretch.
4. Score a perfect sunless boob tan: Shower and exfoliate, then put a dab of petroleum jelly on your nipples to make sure they keep their natural color. Evenly apply the self-tanning lotion or spray to your tatas, and lean forward for a few minutes to help them dry blotch-free.
6. For a sexy sensation the next time you're getting busy in bed, get your guy to try this technique with his hand: Make a V with his index and middle fingers, and lightly scissor them around your nipples.
7. Overheated at the beach? Slip an ice cube out of your drink, and glide it over your cleavage.
8. This trick really makes your boobs look voluptuous: Stand in front of a mirror under an overhead light, and sweep bronzer over the dark areas underneath and between your breasts. Deepening the shadows that they create gives the impression of greater fullness.
9. Apply lotion, and treat the girls to a sensual massage. Using a circular motion and medium pressure, rub from the base of your boobs up along the outer edges, stopping just below your armpits. Then place your hands on your breastbone, and work your way across the center of your chest, out toward the sides of your body.
10. Have him trace a figure eight stretching around both nipples while giving you a deep, steamy kiss.
Is it strange to have sex only on the weekend?
Q: My guy and I have great sex, but he only wants it on the weekend. Every other night, he'd rather just hang out and watch TV. He says he gets stressed during the week, which I can understand. But is there anything that I can do to change that?
A: Hey, I think you should be thankful that you're having great sex in the first place, even if it's on a weekend-only basis. Trust me, that's way better than horrible sex every damn day! Your guy's reasons are justified too. Men have a hard time compartmentalizing — if his workday was tough, he may not be able to shut it out when he gets home. I've been there myself.
But you want to know if there's any way to get some action during the week. One solution: Seduce him in the morning, before the workday and his worries begin. Guys generally love sex in the a.m., but you'll need to make it a quickie or else he'll stress about being late to his job (unless you set the alarm early). If you want to have sex after hours, another good window of opportunity is just before dinner. This way, he has time to check the mail and chill when he gets home, but he hasn't yet entered the impenetrable food/beer/TV–coma zone.
You could also just try to snuff out the source of his problems. Since you know that work anxiety is killing his libido, help eliminate his stress. Turn the bedroom into a minispa, with aromatherapy candles, mellow music, and lots of back rubs. Once he's physically relaxed, his mind should follow suit...and that's when you swoop in to get your prime-time pleasure on.
But you want to know if there's any way to get some action during the week. One solution: Seduce him in the morning, before the workday and his worries begin. Guys generally love sex in the a.m., but you'll need to make it a quickie or else he'll stress about being late to his job (unless you set the alarm early). If you want to have sex after hours, another good window of opportunity is just before dinner. This way, he has time to check the mail and chill when he gets home, but he hasn't yet entered the impenetrable food/beer/TV–coma zone.
You could also just try to snuff out the source of his problems. Since you know that work anxiety is killing his libido, help eliminate his stress. Turn the bedroom into a minispa, with aromatherapy candles, mellow music, and lots of back rubs. Once he's physically relaxed, his mind should follow suit...and that's when you swoop in to get your prime-time pleasure on.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
8 Ways to Feel Closer After Sex - Cosmo
It turns out that post-action—not before—is actually prime bonding time. Our strategies help you ride the warm, fuzzy high.
Take a moment to think about what you and your guy usually do after sex. Chances are, it’s sleep, eat, or flip on the TV. Not exactly romantic, especially considering that the few hours afterward are one of the best times to bond. “When you orgasm, hormones are released that make you feel more connected,” says clinical sexologist Rachael Ross, MD, PhD. “Take advantage of that by doing things to prolong the feeling.” But that doesn’t mean intense conversations or eye gazing—little gestures can reap big benefits. Try these tips tonight.
1. If you’re hungry, forgo ordering a pizza and instead break out red wine and cheese. It will continue the sensual vibe you had going, and the antioxidants in the vino will increase blood flow, relaxing both of you.
3. Before you get busy, turn off anything with an on button, like your cell phones, laptops, and TV. That way, the only thing you’ll be plugged into afterward is each other, not your Facebook news feed or DVR queue.
4. Instead of rolling over once the action is done, drape one of your legs over his and rest your hands on his chest. It will keep you connected without doing the spooning thing.
5. One word: candles. Light a few after you hook up (instead of before) and the mood will instantly feel more romantic.
6. Play hooky and call in sex—er, sick after your romp. Having to leave ASAP, whether it’s to meet a friend for brunch or attend your can’t-miss Spin class, is a total mood killer. Reschedule your plans, and enjoy a leisurely hour or two of doing nothing together in bed.
7. Set your iPod to a romantic playlist. Choose tunes that remind you of your favorite moments together (like a concert you went to). Just listening to them will make you two feel closer without having to speak.
8. Reverse-strip each other. Slowly button his shirt, and let him zip up your skirt. Dressing each other is super intimate since it taps in to the primal instinct to “preen” your mate.
Take a moment to think about what you and your guy usually do after sex. Chances are, it’s sleep, eat, or flip on the TV. Not exactly romantic, especially considering that the few hours afterward are one of the best times to bond. “When you orgasm, hormones are released that make you feel more connected,” says clinical sexologist Rachael Ross, MD, PhD. “Take advantage of that by doing things to prolong the feeling.” But that doesn’t mean intense conversations or eye gazing—little gestures can reap big benefits. Try these tips tonight.
2. Upgrade your usual postsex shower by giving each other neck rubs. The bonding hormones oxytocin and prolactin that are released when you climax are also triggered by touch, so the massage will extend the feelings of closeness.
3. Before you get busy, turn off anything with an on button, like your cell phones, laptops, and TV. That way, the only thing you’ll be plugged into afterward is each other, not your Facebook news feed or DVR queue.
4. Instead of rolling over once the action is done, drape one of your legs over his and rest your hands on his chest. It will keep you connected without doing the spooning thing.
5. One word: candles. Light a few after you hook up (instead of before) and the mood will instantly feel more romantic.
6. Play hooky and call in sex—er, sick after your romp. Having to leave ASAP, whether it’s to meet a friend for brunch or attend your can’t-miss Spin class, is a total mood killer. Reschedule your plans, and enjoy a leisurely hour or two of doing nothing together in bed.
7. Set your iPod to a romantic playlist. Choose tunes that remind you of your favorite moments together (like a concert you went to). Just listening to them will make you two feel closer without having to speak.
8. Reverse-strip each other. Slowly button his shirt, and let him zip up your skirt. Dressing each other is super intimate since it taps in to the primal instinct to “preen” your mate.
Sexy Ways to Use a Vibrator With Him - Cosmo
Old-school thinking was that guys would run for the nearest exit if you pulled out a vibrator during sex — the theory being that it freaked them out to have another "package" in the room. Thankfully, that's false. Since so many dudes are open to the awesome sensations a vibe can bring, we got experts to spill their best tips on using one with him.
Buzz it on him before you strip him down. Lay him on the bed, turn it on, and rub it over him. Start at his knees, run up his upper thighs, and circle it around the bulge in his pants. This way, he'll get comfortable with the feeling.
Start on a slow setting, and use the tip to circle your nipples and then his. As you circle, turn up the speed. Alternate between the vibrator and sucking his nipple (he should do the same to you). The back-and-forth and the heat from your lips feel amazing.
Turn it up full throttle (the shaft of a guy's penis isn't so sensitive, so he can handle it). Then move it up one side of his package and down the other. It'll stimulate his entire penis and make him extrahard.
During oral, hold the side of your vibe against your cheek as you take him in and out. Your wet, quivering mouth will feel unexpected and arousing.
Turn it down low, and wrap it in your panties to lessen the sensation. Then hold the vibrator against his boys while you fondle his shaft. A guy's testicles can't take very much stimulation, so the muffled shaking is right.
While he uses his tongue to pleasure you, have him put the vibrator inside you angled slightly toward your belly button — that way, it will hit your G-spot (the spongy, dimesize area about 2 inches inside you that is pleasurepacked with nerves). The combo of stimulation will make for an incredibly intense orgasm.
Give him total control of the toy, and let him use it on you during penetration. Here's a position that opens you up perfectly for him: Have him lie on his back, then get on top and lie so your back is against his chest. The entire front of your body is revealed, and he can reach around and trail the vibrator from your breasts to your clitoris.
His perineum — the small patch of skin between his balls and anus — is supersensitive. Pick up a small, egg-shaped model (putting anything bigger near his booty may freak him out), and whip it out while you're on top. As you ride him, reach behind and hold it against that area.
If he is hesitant about incorporating a toy into sex, start him off slowly with a vibrating ring (Trojan and Durex make them, and they're available at the drugstore). It's a silicone ring you can slip around his penis that has a tiny vibrator attached. The pulsing will feel awesome at the base of his penis, and if he's on top, it'll hit your clitoris as he thrusts.
Buzz it on him before you strip him down. Lay him on the bed, turn it on, and rub it over him. Start at his knees, run up his upper thighs, and circle it around the bulge in his pants. This way, he'll get comfortable with the feeling.
Start on a slow setting, and use the tip to circle your nipples and then his. As you circle, turn up the speed. Alternate between the vibrator and sucking his nipple (he should do the same to you). The back-and-forth and the heat from your lips feel amazing.
Turn it up full throttle (the shaft of a guy's penis isn't so sensitive, so he can handle it). Then move it up one side of his package and down the other. It'll stimulate his entire penis and make him extrahard.
During oral, hold the side of your vibe against your cheek as you take him in and out. Your wet, quivering mouth will feel unexpected and arousing.
Turn it down low, and wrap it in your panties to lessen the sensation. Then hold the vibrator against his boys while you fondle his shaft. A guy's testicles can't take very much stimulation, so the muffled shaking is right.
While he uses his tongue to pleasure you, have him put the vibrator inside you angled slightly toward your belly button — that way, it will hit your G-spot (the spongy, dimesize area about 2 inches inside you that is pleasurepacked with nerves). The combo of stimulation will make for an incredibly intense orgasm.
Give him total control of the toy, and let him use it on you during penetration. Here's a position that opens you up perfectly for him: Have him lie on his back, then get on top and lie so your back is against his chest. The entire front of your body is revealed, and he can reach around and trail the vibrator from your breasts to your clitoris.
His perineum — the small patch of skin between his balls and anus — is supersensitive. Pick up a small, egg-shaped model (putting anything bigger near his booty may freak him out), and whip it out while you're on top. As you ride him, reach behind and hold it against that area.
If he is hesitant about incorporating a toy into sex, start him off slowly with a vibrating ring (Trojan and Durex make them, and they're available at the drugstore). It's a silicone ring you can slip around his penis that has a tiny vibrator attached. The pulsing will feel awesome at the base of his penis, and if he's on top, it'll hit your clitoris as he thrusts.
Winter is Here!
So now that winter is here, it's safe to say you're going to need some warming up in that bedroom of yours! Well here at Studio 21, Ltd we have just what you're looking for. Steamy Lingerie, Hot Massage Oils, Sensual Candles and the Toys to help keep you and signifigant other hot on those icy nights! Looking for that great Gag Gift for the Holiday Season? We're your last stop! Don't forget your Coupon and hurry in!
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