Before you let your loved one go, where no man or woman has gone before for you...
here are some 1st timer tips and advice.
1. First and foremost,
one must NEVER feel pressured into anal sex, if you feel hesitation about it, then don't do it.
Wait til you look into it more, read about it, do your research.
Once you have done your research and are ready and relaxed then proceed with caution.
2. Always practice safe sex by having your partner wear a condom.
The rectum is filled with bacteria and has sensitive tissue that can tear and without a condom, you put yourself at risk for infections and STD's.
3. The tissue in the rectum is very sensitive and has many nerve endings & blood vessels.
There are 2 retracting muscles that are called sphincters.
The external sphincter can be retracted voluntarily, while the internal sphincter is involuntary, especially when you're tense or nervous the internal sphincter won't retract and may not be as easily accessible. In this occasion, practice really does make perfect!
Try practicing with a slim anal plug,
by working the external sphincter, it is possible to provoke a reflex reaction of the internal sphincter. A tense self means a clenched butt & it won't be as enjoyable.
The anal cavity doesn't produce it's own lubricant, so a great quality lubricant make a huge difference, if there isn't any anal toys involved, a slick silicone lubricant is highly recommended, so re-application isn't needed.
However, if there is anal toys involved,
a water based lubricant is recommended, but re-application may be needed.
5. Anal sex should NOT hurt, not even a little, if it does, it's your body saying for you to stop.
If you insist on getting a numbing agent to not feel anything, such as
Anal Blu, is a lubricant & a numbing agent.
For 1st timers this isn't a great idea to use, simply because, if you're numb,
how can you feel if there is any discomfort?
Pain, is the body's natural indicator of something going wrong.
There are products that help relax the internal sphincter muscle, such as
Intimate Organics Adventure & Daring.
These require to applied about 5 to 10 minutes before.
6. Grooming and Cleanliness...
Grooming, if you feel comfortable with, shaving or waxing, it's a preference.
Some may say that removing the hair in the area helps with any hair being pulled during anal sex.
Some may say that removing the hair in the area helps with any hair being pulled during anal sex.
Cleanliness, as far as in the anal cavity, varies from person to person, and there are many factors that can play a part into this, your regular diet, how your bowel movements are, and if you're a healthy person, overall, you have a pretty clean butt!
If you wanted to go further in the extreme clean, there are anal douches or enemas, which consist of just warm water to flush out the fecal matter that may be there.
7. Now with the right person, and proceeding at your desired speed, have fun!
Despite there being many taboos with anal sex,
anal sex isn't for everyone, but when done right, it can be very exciting AND enjoyable for both
men & women!