Yes, according to Denise A. Donnelly, an associate professor of sociology at Georgia State University, who has studied sexless marriage. "People in sexless marriages report that they are more likely to have considered divorce, and that they are less happy in their marriages," Donnelly told the New York Times in 2008, noting that 15 percent of married couples hadn't gotten it on with their spouse in the prior six months to one year.
Of course, that doesn't mean they haven't had sex with someone else.
No one's quite clear on what makes a marriage "sexless" anyway. Some would say it's sexless if you're having sex 10 times a year or less. Others, like Dean Mason, who runs, says it comes down to defining what your personal threshold is. If you want it daily and you're getting it weekly, that falls under the "sexless" banner, too. And evidently, married folks are actually getting it on a little more than once a week -- 58 times a year -- according to the General Social Survey, which has tracked the social behaviors of Americans since 1972.
So who's saying, "Not tonight, dear, I have a headache!"? Not who you might think.
A lot more men are often not in the mood, says Susan Yager-Berkowitz and Bob Berkowitz, the husband-wife team who surveyed 4,000 people for their book He's Just Not Up for It Anymore. While there may be lots of research on treating sexual dysfunction, which affects about 31 percent of men, there hasn't been much research on men who have lost their sexual desire, the authors say.
And it's not something men are likely to bring up in the locker room either, says marriage counselor Michele Weiner Davis. "To be disinterested in sex is to feel less than a man," she writes in The Sex-Starved Marriage. "Just thinking about low libido -- let alone talking about it -- strikes terror in men because it threatens the very foundation upon which their feelings of self-worth are based. No wonder they're tight-lipped."
Unless they're talking about their wife's lack of interest in sex, of course.
Guys tend to mention that a lot.
Weight, children, work, porn, stress, unemployment, depression, power struggles, menopause, infidelity, nagging -- there are any number of reasons why couples stop having sex for weeks or months at a time. But the underlying issue may be anger -- more than 40 percent of the men surveyed by the Berkowitzes said that they're mad at their wives. Wives, of course, are just as angry; in a survey of more than 1,000 moms in Parenting magazine, "Mad at Dad," 46 percent said they get mad at their significant other once a week or more (54 percent if they have babies in the house),
and 1 in 10 say their anger is "deep and long-lasting."
No amount of Viagra is going to take care of that!
And then there are those who say, who needs sex to be happily coupled?
59 percent of men and 69 percent of women ages 56 to 65 believe that couples can have a strong relationship without sexual activity, according to the AP/ poll.
I'm not so sure about that,
unless there's a real medical issue preventing a couple from intercourse.
But, even if that's so, there are many reasons why going sexless isn't healthy -- mentally, emotionally and physically. "The fountain of youth can be found between the sheets," says Dr. Mark Anderson, coauthor with Dr. Walter Gaman and Judith Gaman of Stay Young: 10 Proven Steps to Ultimate Health. "Frequent intercourse causes the brain to release human growth hormone, which helps maintain youth."
It also relieves stress, boosts the immune and cardiovascular systems, burns calories, reduces the risk of prostate cancer, and a lot of other good things.
Plus, it's fun!
So here are some fun and different activities to ignite that spark again.
Rather than sitting at home watching sports, set the DVR and take to some fun sports-inspired activities for couples. Not only can you get your daily sports fix, but you can engage your partner and find fun new things to do together. Your favorite teams can wait until you get home.
Jog outside together
The fall season is the perfect time for outdoor jogging for several reasons. The weather is still warm enough that you don't have to bundle up in a coat but cool enough to feel refreshing. If you find yourselves near a park, you'll be able to see the beautiful fall colors as the leaves change around you. Lastly, and probably the best reason to go as a couple, jogging is a great warm-up for other activities that you might want to do when you get back. *wink wink*
Even for your partner does not watch football, who can resist a great tailgate party? It's a great introduction to the game and excitement is sure to spread even to someone who knows nothing about the sport. After all, it would definitely be easier to carve out your Sundays to watch the game if you're going to do it together.
Take a dance class
Dance may not fall into the same category as traditional team sports, but it's definitely a great excuse to share your intimacy in new ways.If your'e a fan of 'Dancing with the Stars', watching them makes you think, if they can try and do this, so can I! Learn something sexy like the tango or salsa and keep the beat by moving along with your partner's rhythm. There's no better way to set a romantic mood than to hold your bodies close in dance.
Wrestle in the bedroom
Be a little mischievous with your sportiness and take it into the bedroom. Playfully wrestle and make up from your "fight" passionately between the sheets. The adrenaline will create a heightened experience for both of you.
Now that you've started that fire again...
perhaps you need just something a little bit different in the bedroom.
A good start would be a special lubricant!
For instance, Wet Together!
His is a water based and it warms. Hers is a silicone based and tingles. She applies his to him. He applies hers to her. The intimate act of touching makes the connection with two exciting sensations.
When combined, skin to skin, both unique Wet Together formulas provide longer lasting, silky smooth lubrication and sensation, since one is a silicone and the other a water they can't dry out like other 'couples' lubricants. They stay around longer for your entire session. Use as needed to supplement natural moisture and gently enhance pleasure. Reapply as desired. Easily washes away with mild soap and warm water. Will not harm latex.
We hope everyone has a safe & sexy weekend!!!